Source code for common.rpc.auth_utils

import http.server
import logging
from os.path import abspath

import requests
import sys
import time
import webbrowser
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlencode, urlparse

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CLIENT_ID = "local-dev-email"
CLIENT_SECRET = "KH0mvknMUWT5w3U7zvz6wsUQZoy6UmQ"
OAUTH_SCOPE = "email"

# Localhost

# OAuth post timeout

# Server/API config
INFO_ENDPOINT = "/api/v3/user/"
ASSIGNMENT_ENDPOINT = "/api/v3/assignment/"
AUTH_ENDPOINT = "/oauth/authorize"
TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "/oauth/token"
ERROR_ENDPOINT = "/oauth/errors"

# URL to redirect user to upon OAuth success
SUCCESS_ENDPOINT_URL = ""  # temporary

TOKEN_PATH = ".token"

[docs]class OKException(Exception): """Base exception class for Bacon/OK integration."""
[docs]class OAuthException(OKException): """OAuth related exception""" def __init__(self, error="", error_description=""): super().__init__() self.error = error self.error_description = error_description
def _pick_free_port(hostname=REDIRECT_HOST, port=0): """Try to bind a port. Default=0 selects a free port.""" import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind((hostname, port)) # port=0 finds an open port except OSError as e: if port == 0: print("Unable to find an open port for authentication.") raise OKException(e) else: return _pick_free_port(hostname, 0) addr, port = s.getsockname() s.close() return port def _make_token_post(server, data): """Try getting an access token from the server. If successful, returns the JSON response. If unsuccessful, raises an OAuthException. """ try: response = + TOKEN_ENDPOINT, data=data, timeout=TIMEOUT) body = response.json() except Exception as e: log.warning("Other error when exchanging code", exc_info=True) raise OAuthException(error="Authentication Failed", error_description=str(e)) if "error" in body: log.error(body) raise OAuthException( error=body.get("error", "Unknown Error"), error_description=body.get("error_description", ""), ) return body def _make_code_post(server, code, redirect_uri="urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"): data = { "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET, "code": code, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, } info = _make_token_post(server, data) return info["access_token"], int(info["expires_in"]), info["refresh_token"] def _make_refresh_post(server, refresh_token): data = { "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET, "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": refresh_token, } info = _make_token_post(server, data) return info["access_token"], int(info["expires_in"]), info["refresh_token"] def _get_code(no_browser): """Make the requests to get OK access code""" host_name = REDIRECT_HOST try: port_number = _pick_free_port(port=REDIRECT_PORT) except OKException: # Could not bind to REDIRECT_HOST:0, try localhost instead host_name = "localhost" port_number = _pick_free_port(host_name, 0) redirect_uri = "http://{0}:{1}/".format(host_name, port_number) params = { "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "response_type": "code", "scope": OAUTH_SCOPE, } url = "{}{}?{}".format(OK_SERVER_URL, AUTH_ENDPOINT, urlencode(params)) server = OK_SERVER_URL code_response = None oauth_exception = None try: assert not no_browser assert webbrowser.open_new(url) except AssertionError: print("Couldn't open a web browser, performing manual authentication\n") print("Please navigate to to generate a") print("login code. Then, paste that code below to finish logging in!\n") code = input("Paste login code here: ") try: code_response = _make_code_post(server, code) return code_response except OAuthException as e: raise e class CodeHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def send_redirect(self, location): self.send_response(302) self.send_header("Location", location) self.end_headers() def send_failure(self, oauth_exception): params = { "error": oauth_exception.error, "error_description": oauth_exception.error_description, } url = "{}{}?{}".format(server, ERROR_ENDPOINT, urlencode(params)) self.send_redirect(url) def do_GET(self): """Respond to the GET request made by the OAuth""" nonlocal code_response, oauth_exception log.debug("Received GET request for %s", self.path) path = urlparse(self.path) qs = {k: v for k, v in parse_qsl(path.query)} code = qs.get("code") if code: try: code_response = _make_code_post(server, code, redirect_uri) except OAuthException as e: oauth_exception = e else: oauth_exception = OAuthException( error=qs.get("error", "Unknown Error"), error_description=qs.get("error_description", ""), ) if oauth_exception: self.send_failure(oauth_exception) else: self.send_redirect(SUCCESS_ENDPOINT_URL) def log_message(self, format, *args): return server_address = (host_name, port_number) print("Authentication server running on {}:{}".format(host_name, port_number)) try: httpd = http.server.HTTPServer(server_address, CodeHandler) httpd.handle_request() except OSError as e: log.warning("HTTP Server Err {}".format(server_address), exc_info=True) raise if oauth_exception: raise oauth_exception return code_response
[docs]class OAuthSession: """Represents OK OAuth state""" def __init__(self, access_token="", refresh_token="", expires_at=-1, session=None): """Create OK OAuth state with given tokens, and expiration""" self.session = self.refresh_token = self.access_token = None self.expires_at = -1 self.assignment = None if session is not None: config = session.config() self.session = session if "ok_access_token" in config: self.access_token = config["ok_access_token"] if "ok_refresh_token" in config: self.refresh_token = config["ok_refresh_token"] if "ok_expires_at" in config: self.expires_at = int(config["ok_expires_at"]) if "ok_last_download_assignment" in config: self.assignment = config["ok_last_download_assignment"] elif access_token and refresh_token and expires_at >= 0: self.access_token = str(access_token) self.refresh_token = str(refresh_token) self.expires_at = expires_at def _dump(self): """Dump state to a Bacon session""" if self.session is not None: config = self.session.config() if self.access_token: config["ok_access_token"] = self.access_token if self.refresh_token: config["ok_refresh_token"] = self.refresh_token if self.expires_at >= 0: config["ok_expires_at"] = str(self.expires_at) if self.assignment: config["ok_last_download_assignment"] = self.assignment
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refreshes a token""" if not self.refresh_token: return False cur_time = int(time.time()) if cur_time < self.expires_at - 3600: # expires in 1 hour return True self.access_token, expires_in, self.refresh_token = _make_refresh_post( OK_SERVER_URL, self.refresh_token ) if not (self.access_token and expires_in): log.warning("Refresh authentication failed and returned an empty token.") return False cur_time = int(time.time()) self.expires_at = cur_time + expires_in self._dump() return True
[docs] def auth(self, force_reauth=False, no_browser=False): """ Returns OAuth access token which can be passed to the server for identification. If force_reauth is specified then will force re-authenticate the user; else tries to reuse or refresh previous token """ # Attempts to import SSL or raises an exception try: import ssl except: log.warning("Error importing SSL module", stack_info=True) sys.exit(1) else:"SSL module is available") # Refresh the token if not forcing reauth if not force_reauth and self.refresh(): return self.access_token # Perform OAuth print("Token is not available, performing OAuth") self.access_token, expires_in, self.refresh_token = _get_code(no_browser) return self.access_token
def set_token_path(path): global TOKEN_PATH TOKEN_PATH = abspath(path) def refresh_token(no_browser=False): token = OAuthSession().auth(no_browser=no_browser) with open(TOKEN_PATH, "w+") as f: f.write(token) return token def get_token(): try: with open(TOKEN_PATH) as f: return except FileNotFoundError: return refresh_token()