Source code for common.url_for

from os import getenv
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from flask import request, url_for as flask_url_for

[docs]def get_host() -> str: """Get the current host URL from request headers. :return: ``X-Forwarded-For-Host`` or ``Host`` .. note:: 61A apps use ``X-Forwarded-For-Host``, which is not a standard header, for legacy reasons. This may be fixed in the future, but not for now. """ return request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For-Host") or request.headers.get("Host")
[docs]def url_for(*args, **kwargs) -> str: """Return the absolute URL target for the requested method. Uses :func:`~flask.url_for` to get the relative endpoint, then prepends the host from :func:`get_host` to the URL to make it absolute. All arguments are passed directly into :func:`~flask.url_for`. :return: the absolute target URL """ host = get_host() redirect_url = urlparse(flask_url_for(*args, **kwargs)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return redirect_url._replace( netloc=host, scheme="https" if getenv("ENV") == "prod" else "http" ).geturl()