import base64
import hashlib
import json
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
from common.db import connect_db
from runner import GOAL_SCORE, MAX_ROLLS
[docs]def validate_strat(received_strat):
"""This function validates that the strategy inputted gives out a number of
rolls for each pair of score values that is within the acceptable range of
rolls. It then returns the strategy.
:param received_strat: the strategy that was submitted by a student
:type received_strat: dict
:return: list of lists with the strategy's number of rolls for given scores
extracted_strat = []
for i in range(GOAL_SCORE):
for j in range(GOAL_SCORE):
val = int(received_strat[i][j])
except ValueError:
"Your strategy returns for inputs ({}, {}), which is not an integer.".format(
i, j, received_strat[i][j]
if not (0 <= val <= MAX_ROLLS):
"Your strategy rolls {} dice for inputs ({}, {}), which is not a valid roll.".format(
i, j, val
return extracted_strat
[docs]def record_strat(name, group, received_strat):
"""This function takes in a submitted strategy and validates it, then
encodes it in JSON format along with the name, a hash of the strategy, and
the email of one of the users in the group, and stores it on the CS61A
:param name: the name of the strategy provided
:type name: str
:param group: the group of students submitting the strategy
:type group: list
:param received_strat: the strategy that was submitted, which will be
evaluated and stored on the database
:type received_strat: dict
:return: the hash of the received strategy
if not isinstance(name, str):
abort(400, "Name is not a string!")
name = base64.encodebytes(bytes(name, "utf-8"))
if len(name) >= 1024:
abort(400, "Strategy name is too long!")
name = name.decode("utf-8")
extracted_strat = validate_strat(received_strat)
# extracted_strat probably OK
email = group[0]
encoded_strat = json.dumps(extracted_strat)
hashed = hashlib.md5(bytes(encoded_strat, "utf-8")).hexdigest()
# time to load it into the database
with connect_db() as db:
dupes = db(
"SELECT email FROM cached_strategies WHERE name = (%s)", [name]
for dupe in dupes:
if dupe["email"] not in group:
"Another strategy has already been submitted with the same name.",
for member in group:
db("DELETE FROM cached_strategies WHERE email=(%s)", [member])
"INSERT INTO cached_strategies VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
[email, name, hashed, encoded_strat],
return hashed