61A Autograder¶
This is the communication layer between Okpy and the 61A Autograder Worker, which grades students assignments and sends score back to Okpy. The worker code is kept private for security reasons, but this only affects you if you choose to use our workers and don’t implement your own. If you wish to use ours, ask a 61A Infrastructure TA for guidance.
Clone the repo and switch into the
sicp venv
to create a virtual environment (python3 -m venv env
) and install requirements (env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
env/bin/python main.py
to start the Autograder server. You may need to be logged into agcloud
account with access to thecs61a
project in order to access cloud storage buckets, as local development is currently somewhat unsupported.
Recreating the Autograder¶
You can create your own version of this autograder to autograde assignments submitted through Okpy. Should you choose to do so, you’ll need to set up a server with some endpoints that Okpy can query. See API Model for more details.
Data Models¶
There are 2 data models used by this app: Assignment
and Job
(app: flask.Flask)[source]¶ Creates database models
- Parameters
app (Flask) – the app to attach the database URL to
(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶ Represents an Assignment that can be autograded
- Parameters
assignment_secret (str) – a randomly-generated unique key to be used by Okpy to identify this assignment
name (str) – the shortname of the assignment, conventionally the same as the Okpy shortname
course (str) – the course code for the course whose assignment this is
endpoint (str) – the Okpy endpoint for the relevant course (saved here as endpoints change across semesters)
file (str) – the name of the grading zip file to use to grade the assignment
command – the command to run on the worker to grade a backup
last_modified (int) – the unix timestamp for the last modification of this assignment on the autograder
batch_size (int) – the grading batch size for this assignment (one worker will grade this many items – must be set such that less than 50 total batches are created by an individual run)
grading_base (str) – the server associated with this assignment (usually https://okpy.org)
jobs (list[Job]) – all grading jobs associated with this assignment
(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶ Represents an autograding Job
- Parameters
job_secret (str) – the internal job identifier, used for communication between the host and the worker
external_job_id (str) – the external job identifier, used for communication between the grading server and the host
assignment_secret (str) – a foreign key to the assignment identifier
assignment (Assignment) – the assignment that this job is associated with
backup (str) – the grading server backup this job is associated with
status (str) – whether this is queued, started, running, finished, etc.
result (str) – the grading command’s output for this job
access_token (str) – the grading server’s access token to get backup content and upload scores for this job
queued_at (int) – the unix timestamp for when this job was queued – if multiple jobs are queued by the same request, they are automatically treated as a single trigger by the UI
started_at (int) – the unix timestamp for when the worker began running this job
finished_at (int) – the unix timestamp for when the worker returned the result for this job, whether it succeeded or errored
Utility Decorators¶
The autograder has two decorators that restrict access to various functions and endpoints.
(func)[source]¶ Require a user to either be logged into the UI, or so pass in an access token. Either way, the user must be an admin for the course they’re attempting to access.
- Returns
a function that takes in an
and acourse
, along with the parameters passed into the originalfunc
, which is called with all of the available arguments exceptaccess_token
(func)[source]¶ Does almost the same thing as
, except the course must becs61a
.- Returns
a function that takes in an
and acourse
, along with the parameters passed into the originalfunc
, which is called withoutaccess_token
Course Admin Endpoints¶
(app)[source]¶ Creates various RPC endpoints to manage assignment grading. See the following:
There is also a GUI available at autograder.cs61a.org for the following actions:
Viewing all of a course’s assignments (
)Viewing a particular assignment (
)Viewing a particular job (
)Forcing unfinished jobs for an assignment to fail (
)Retriggering failed jobs for an assignment (
Superadmin Endpoints¶
The following superadmin endpoint is available for viewing information about a
course: /admin/<endpoint>
Worker Communication¶
There are a few endpoints created solely to communicate grading jobs with the worker instances.
(*, at: Union[str, List[str]], to: str)[source]¶ Decorates a function by making sure that the relevant job transitions to a logically forward state when the function is called. This prevents exploiting job statuses, as it prevents the function from running if the job is in an invalid state.
(app)[source]¶ Creates various RPC endpoints to interface with the worker. See the following:
Okpy Communication¶
There are a few endpoints created to communicate job requests and outputs
between Okpy and the autograder. There is one RPC endpoint,
, and a handful of REST endpoints.
For the REST endpoints, see the next section.
API Model¶
This is the set of endpoints that will be used to communicate between Okpy (or other grading base) and the autograder host. If you wish to recreate the autograder, you will need to implement the following 3 endpoints. In addition, you will likely need to get the contents of each backup that is being graded, which can be done using the View a Backup target of the Okpy API. You will also need to POST the scores output to Okpy, which can be done using the Create a Score target of the Okpy API.
¶ Trigger grading for Okpy backup(s)
Receives a list of backups to grade, along with metadata and an access token. Returns a list of Job IDs.
- Request JSON Object
access_token (string) – the token to communicate with Okpy
assignment (string) – assignment secret
subm_ids[] (string) – Backup IDs
- Status Codes
200 OK – successfully triggered jobs
404 Not Found – assignment not found
405 Method Not Allowed – more than 50 batches would be created
- Response JSON Object
jobs[] (string) – Job IDs
¶ Get results for multiple jobs
Receives a list of Job IDs. Queries and returns the status of each Job.
- Request JSON Object
[] (string) – Job IDs
- Status Codes
200 OK – successfully returns the status of each Job
- Response JSON Object
id1.result (string) – autograder result
id1.status (string) – job status
id2.result (string) – autograder result
id2.status (string) – job status
¶ Get results for a single job
Receives a Job ID. Returns the status/results of the job.
- Parameters
job_id (string) – the autograder’s external Job ID
- Status Codes
200 OK – the autograder result of the job if it has finished
202 Accepted – "Nope!” if the job has not finished