
This contains methods used to compare strategies for Hog.

Running Locally

Create a venv and install dependencies.

$ python3 -m venv env
$ env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Run env/bin/python main.py to start the Flask server, then make a POST request to http://localhost:5000/api/compare_strategies to start comparing strategies.


This file compares Hog strategies and outputs strategy win rates.

Process Input

This file contains methods for validating and recording Hog strategies.


This function validates that the strategy inputted gives out a number of rolls for each pair of score values that is within the acceptable range of rolls. It then returns the strategy.


received_strat (dict) – the strategy that was submitted by a student


list of lists with the strategy’s number of rolls for given scores

docs.hog_calc.process_input.record_strat(name, group, received_strat)[source]

This function takes in a submitted strategy and validates it, then encodes it in JSON format along with the name, a hash of the strategy, and the email of one of the users in the group, and stores it on the CS61A database.

  • name (str) – the name of the strategy provided

  • group (list) – the group of students submitting the strategy

  • received_strat – the strategy that was submitted, which will be

evaluated and stored on the database :type received_strat: dict


the hash of the received strategy


This file contains methods for matching and scoring two given Hog strategies.

docs.hog_calc.runner.make_strat_str(strat_0, strat_1)[source]

Takes in two separate strategies and converts them both into a string separating each num_roll of dice by a newline.

  • strat_0 (list) – the first inputted strategy

  • strat_1 (list) – the second inputted strategy


a string with number of dice rolls per score value per strategy

docs.hog_calc.runner.match(strat_0, strat_1, *, use_contest=True)[source]

Plays a match between two strategies.

  • strat_0 (list) – the first inputted strategy

  • strat_1 (list) – the second inputted strategy

  • use_contest (bool) – determines whether bacon or bacon_proj is used


the float result of a match between two strategies

docs.hog_calc.runner.score(strat_0, strat_1, *, use_contest=True)[source]

Determine the score of a matchup between the two strategies.

  • strat_0 (list) – the first inputted strategy

  • strat_1 (list) – the second inputted strategy

  • use_contest (bool) – determines whether bacon or bacon_proj is used


the float score of matching up two strategies